Wetenschap scherpt haar ideeën en theorieën door steeds weer kritisch te kijken naar nieuwe en andere inzichten. Een goede wetenschappelijke discussie is verrijkend.
Kritische geluiden
Grossman, Paul (2023). Fundamental challenges and likely refutations of the five basic premises of the polyvagal theory. Biological Psychology. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2023.108589
Neuhuber, Winfried; Berthoud, Hans-Rudolf (2022-10-01). Functional anatomy of the vagus system: How does the polyvagal theory comply?. Biological Psychology. 174: 108425. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2022.108425. PMID 36100134. S2CID 252188181.
Taylor, Edwin; Wang, Tobias; Leite, Cleo (2022-06-28). An overview of the phylogeny of cardiorespiratory control in vertebrates with some reflections on the ‘Polyvagal Theory’. Biological Psychology. 172: 108382.
Grossman, Paul; Taylor, Edwin W. (2007-02-01). Toward understanding respiratory sinus arrhythmia: Relations to cardiac vagal tone, evolution and biobehavioral functions. Biological Psychology. 74 (2): 263–285. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2005.11.014.
Monteiro, Diana (2018). Cardiorespiratory interactions previously identified as mammalian are present in the primitive lungfish. Science Advances. 4 (2): eaaq0800. Bibcode:2018
Taylor; Leite; Skovgaard (2010). Autonomic control of cardiorespiratory interactions in fish, amphibians and reptiles.
Doody; Burghardt; Dinets (2023). The evolution of sociality and the polyvagal theory. Biological Psychology.
Beauchaine, Theodore P.; Bell, Ziv; Knapton, Erin; McDonough‐Caplan, Heather; Shader, Tiffany; Zisner, Aimee (2019). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity across empirically based structural dimensions of psychopathology: A meta-analysis. Psychophysiology. 56 (5): e13329.
The vagal paradox: A polyvagal solution, by Stephen W. Porges, in the journal Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology,
Volume 16, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpnec.2023.100200 (August 2023).
Stephen Porges reageert op specifieke kritiekpunten op de PVI site.

Ook in Nederland speelt de discussie
In het tijdschrift GZ-psychologie stond in februari 2023 een opiniestuk van B. Verkuil, waar T. Smit in augustus 2023 op reageerde in hetzelfde tijdschrift.